Adam Xavier
3 min readMar 9, 2022

Acid and Adderall

The united states social embracement of scheduling drugs.

When the social stigma’s were bought into during the 70’s. Over 40 years worth of research at clinical level was lost on psychedelics. And false lights were put onto Substances, from pre decided bias.

The Metaphor of progress lost

Take this metaphor with consideration, Say the speed limit is 100mph and while your driving down the highway Someone merges going 35mph and slowly accelerate to 65mph. The cars around are all averaging 80mph, some go 90 others go 70 but most go 80.

There are 3 lanes, And the car going 65mph is driving within the passing lane. As the line of car’s start to build up behind the vehicle. The flow of traffic becomes increasingly interrupted and though 65 is permitted, because their in the wrong lane, It creates a bottleneck along the road.

This is representational of the individuals ability to withhold others from the progression of the knowledge. Truth was pushed back by decisions, made from insufficiently informed people, witch law was formed upon.


Many of the still standing policy’s and law’s created around drugs, were implemented at a time in witch there was not enough information from studies to build any logical cases for actions taken against the substances.

One of the biggest actions taken, Was Nixon's signing the controlled substances act into law.

Making marijuana next to heroin as a schedule 1 substance

As short ended conclusions were being drawn out within 50’s to 70’s. Official information around these psychoactive substances has been out dated and proven scarce from then on. Partly from Nixon's declaration of The war on drugs, and in addition the lack of funding clinical trials and lack of interest that came later on post schedule of LSD.

The growing rate of stimulants

Stimulants reward the mind and speed up the body. A stimulant finds itself as a solution to unresolved problem In the American dream. With the growth of industrial revolution in the united states. Coffee breaks quickly became implemented in the work day. As a easy method of increasing productivity from the labor workers.

Now more than ever, is a rise in jobs promoting a company's growth over an individuals career. Amphetamines' don’t have you question the meaning behind you do something. like how, Psychedelics might have you identify and confront those issue’s. But amphetamines do promote the efficiency of mind numbing work. Amphetamines' themselves are a consistently growing market. But capitalisms perfect worker, is usually on Adderall.

left graph shows growing rate of stimulant prescription, right graph show an almost 42% growth in sales.


~Hall, Wayne. “Why Was Early Therapeutic Research on Psychedelic Drugs Abandoned?: Psychological Medicine.” Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press, 21 Oct. 2021,

~(PDF) Psychiatry & The Psychedelic Drugs … — Researchgate.

~Fauber, John. “Lowering the Bar: Adult ADHD, a Risky Diagnosis?” Medical News, MedpageToday, 10 Sept. 2016,

~Inspire MalibuInspire Malibu is the premier Non 12 Step. “A Brief Guide to Drug Scheduling in the United States.” Inspire Malibu, 4 Sept. 2018,

Adam Xavier
Adam Xavier

Written by Adam Xavier

kinda Interesting, but primarily crazy.

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